Configuring Drill-down from Operational-Level Views |
Note : The composite controls found at the location /Cordys/WCP/Controls/runtime/bam/standardviews/
have been deprecated. Hence, it is recommended to use the composite controls provided in the corresponding sub-folders at /Cordys/WCP/Controls/runtime/bam/standardviews/
with same name as the deprecated contorls.
Configure a drill-down from Operational-Level views to drive from one view to another while making one of the content panes as the Source and other content as the Target.
- All the Operational-Level Views can be reused as composite controls. In the Untitled Composite Control - Composite Control that appears, make sure that you select the composite controls from Process Platform Business Activity Monitoring folder.
- You can define drill-down from Top X Processes for Status view using TopXInstancesPerStatus_AcrossProcess (available at /Cordys/WCP/Controls/runtime/bam/standardviews/operationaldashboard/) composite control to all corresponding Process-level view composite control. Consider the TopXInstancesPerStatus_AcrossProcess composite control as Source and ProcessInstancesPerStatus_SpecificProcess (available at /Cordys/WCP/Controls/runtime/bam/standardviews/processdashboard/) composite control as Target as an example of a drill down scenario from operational-view to the process-level view. Perform the following to define such a drill-down:
- In the project content tree, reuse the TopXInstancesPerStatus_AcrossProcess composite control and ProcessInstancesPerStatus_SpecificProcess composite control, related to process_level view. The respective composite controls are added to the project content tree.
- From the project content tree, drag the TopXInstancesPerStatus_AcrossProcess and ProcessInstancesPerStatus_SpecificProcess composite controls on the XForm designer.
- Right-click the TopXInstancesPerStatus_AcrossProcess composite control on the XForm designer and select Configure drill down. The Message Map dialog box appears.
- Map the output parameter Name (OperationalData > tuple > old > GetTopXProcessesByStatus > Name) of the Source to the input parameter, ProcessName (InputParameters > ProcessName) of the Target.
- Click OK. The Message Map dialog box closes.
- Click
(Preview). The Preview window appears, displaying a preview of the selected XForm.
- Similarly you can add TimeFrame composite control as runtime reference and use it as a Source. The output parameters (startTime and endTime) of TimeFrame composite control can be mapped to input of target (FromDate and ToDate), any of the composite controls related to operational-level views.
The drill-down from the operational-level views are configured.